2023-2024 EGCC Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Sep 16, 2024  
2023-2024 EGCC Catalog and Student Handbook

Policy on Food and Beverage on Campus

Consumption of food and beverages in classrooms, labs and lecture halls of the college can be unsanitary, distracting to students and instructors, and unsafe (particularly where chemicals are present); therefore, the following policy is in place.


  1. Consumption of food or beverages will not be permitted in the Eastern Gateway Community College buildings in any classroom, lecture hall, labs, and library and computer complex. Food and beverages may be consumed in lounge, outside the lecture halls and other hallway areas.
  2. Exceptions to this policy may be approved for special events such as class parties. Approval of the appropriate department head must be received prior to the event.
    1. If a special event is scheduled, all cans, food, paper and other residue from this event must be disposed of in the proper manner.
  3. As responsible members of the college community, it is the responsibility of all students and employees to voluntarily comply with the enforcement of this policy. Violations of this policy should be courteously called to the attention of the violator by any member of the campus community observing the violation. Faculty members should inform students of the policy at the beginning of each term and not allow students to bring food or beverages into classrooms and other restricted areas. Repeated violation should be brought to the attention of the appropriate division administrator, who will take appropriate action on a case-by-case basis to resolve the matter.