2023-2024 EGCC Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Sep 16, 2024  
2023-2024 EGCC Catalog and Student Handbook

Academic Policies

Degree Requirements

The follolwing degrees: Associate of Arts Degree, Associate of Science Degree, Associate of Applied Science Degree, Associate of Applied Business Degree, Associate of Technical Study Degree or Associate of Individualized Study are awarded to those who successfully complete:

  1. A two-semester sequence in English or communication skills;
  2. A minimum of 30 semester hours of technical courses (determined by the graduate’s curriculum) if not in an AA or AS degree program;
  3. The remaining required semester hours include general application and basic-related required courses and appropriate electives;
  4. A program curriculum chosen from the list of associate degrees available at Eastern Gateway Community College;
  5. A minimum of 18 semester credit hours completed in residence at Eastern Gateway Community College;
  6. Courses below the 100 level do not count toward graduation;
  7. A 2.00 overall average at Eastern Gateway Community College, and if in a technical program obtain a minimum of a “C” in each of the core courses identified; exceptions may be made by the department dean;
  8. A student who has attained a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 or higher will receive honors recognition. Students with a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 to 3.749 will be awarded the recognition of cum laude; students attaining a 3.75 to 3.899 will be recognized with the title magna cum laude; and students achieving a 3.90 or higher will be awarded a degree with summa cum laude. Recognition is made at commencement.

Several programs offer certificates for graduation. The minimum requirements for certificate completion are found in the catalog description of the particular certificate program and are applicable.

All potential graduates must file an application for the associate degree or certificate through the Registrar’s office during the semester preceding the semester in which the program will be completed. The curriculum and degree requirements listed above are consistent with the Ohio Department of Higher Education’s basic standards for granting the associate degree for approved Associate of Arts, Associate of Science and applied technical degrees. An official transcript, GED certificate, or other proof of graduation must be on file with the College before an associate degree or certificate can be awarded.

Dual Degrees

Students are permitted to pursue dual degrees provided they are in good academic standing with the College. Students are only allowed to be awarded a single degree per term or semester. The process of being awarded a second degree is as follows:

  1. Students must complete all of the degree requirements for the first degree and have that degree completion certified by the Registrar’s office.
  2. Once the degree completion is certified, the student may choose to apply for a second degree at that time.
  3. A program curriculum is chosen from the list of associate degrees available at Eastern Gateway Community College. If the grids are comparable, all of the same courses may be applied to the second degree as completed successfully with the exception of the final 18 semester credit hours that are required for residency completion at EGCC. The student must complete a minimum of an additional 18 semester credit hours in order to complete the second degree. Credit hours may be made up of unique courses in the program that have not been previously completed as well as any applicable electives as determined by the faculty within the program.
  4. Courses below the 100 level do not count toward graduation;
  5. A 2.00 overall average at Eastern Gateway Community College and if in a technology degree program obtain a minimum of a “C” in each of the core courses identified.
  6. Once the student has completed the requirements for the successful completion of the second degree, the requirements will be certified by the Registrar and the student will be awarded the degree.

Student Competency

Eastern Gateway Community College has developed a process of education which requires a student to be competent in a designated major field before the student can graduate. Competency is defined as the ability to apply the essential skill and knowledge to perform in an occupation. Faculty’s objectives are to teach and assist the student in learning and demonstrating this competence. This requires the faculty member to use a number of measurement techniques: performance examinations, on-the-job observations, and evaluations of supervisors and the student. It is recognized that the measurement process is subject to financial, physical, and instrument limitation.

Academic and Student Integrity

Student integrity and academic honesty are an integral part of the College’s academic standard, academic quality, and a foundation for our society.

The College will not tolerate the breach of this integrity through cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty. Faculty and staff will take precautions to prevent academic dishonesty, but it is also the student’s joint responsibility to report known infractions to any College employee. Infractions impact the final grade/GPA of all students as well as the reputation of the College and the value of the degree earned. Confirmed violations may result in a failing grade on an assignment(s) or in the course(s).

Repeated incidents of academic dishonesty or a flagrant single offense may warrant action beyond a failing grade in the course.

Offenses which may warrant additional disciplinary action including disciplinary probation, professional probation, suspension, or expulsion, include the following:

  1. Cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty, including the use, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a member of the college faculty or staff.
  2. Furnishing false information to the College with intent to deceive.
  3. Forgery, alteration or misuse of College documents, records, or identification cards.
  4. Misuse of computer privileges, including unauthorized use of software, an account number, password, program or file. (see Computer Use Procedure)

The student may appeal any actions affecting enrollment or grade using the Student Complaints/Appeals Process described in this catalog. Students should read and be familiar with the Academic Honesty and Student Integrity Policy. Students will be held accountable for all of the requirements in the Academic Honesty and Student Integrity Policy.

Academic Load for Credit-hour Programs of Study

An undergraduate student’s status is determined by the number of credits they are taking in a semester. The chart below defines the minimum academic load requirement per semester and the associated academic status.

Student Status - Full time 12 or more credits
Student Status - Three Quarters 9 to 11 credits
Student Status - Half time 6 to 8 credits
Student Status - Less than half time 1-5 credits

Students desiring to take more than 18.00 credit hours in a semester must obtain the permission of the appropriate Dean.

Semester Credit-hour Scheduling (Academic Credit Hour Policy)

Eastern Gateway Community College operates on a semester system with two 16-week semesters per year and an 8 week summer semester. Additionally, within each 16-week semester, there are two 8 week terms and may be other classes that run less than 16 weeks. Course content for all courses is the same regardless of time in class or delivery method.

Courses are offered either in a traditional classroom/lab format, a fully online format, or a hybrid model where part of the course is offered online and the remainder is taught in a traditional classroom/lab format. For courses offered in the traditional classroom/lab format, the ratio of classroom/lab contact hours to semester credit hours awarded in most cases is as follows:

  • Lecture courses (including hands-on technology courses): 15 contact hours for each semester credit hour
  • Science and healthcare labs: 30 contact hours for each semester credit hour
  • Externship, practicum, and clinical courses: 45 contact hours for each semester credit hour.

Study Time: Different students learn at different rates. However, students taking courses on-ground should expect to spend at least two (2) hours in study and preparation for each hour spent in lecture. This would include reading, papers, projects, exercises, study, and other preparation. Similarly, students should expect to spend one (1) hour in study and preparation for each two (2) hours spent in lab. Online students should expect to spend a minimum of six (6) hours per week (over a 7½-week period) in their studies for each semester credit hour enrolled. This would include reading, researching and writing papers, doing projects, completing exercises, studying, and reflecting on the course material as well as the time spent on the computer participating in discussion threads, reviewing online course materials, taking tests, and uploading/downloading materials. The time devoted to classes scheduled for other than 7½-week periods would adjust proportionately.

Maximum Load

The course load of a student may not exceed 18 semester credit hours of course work in a regular semester (16 weeks) or 9 semester credit hours of course work in an accelerated semester (8 weeks) without the approval of the department dean. While 12 credits are required in any semester to meet the Title IV regulatory definition of Full Time, given the Summer semester’s shorter length, EGCC views 6 credits taken in the Summer 8-week semester to be the academic equivalent of Full Time. The maximum per session is as follows: First Eight Weeks = 9 credit hours, Last Eight Weeks = 9 credit hours, and Sixteen Weeks - 18 credit hours.

Permissible exceptions to the 18-credit hour rule include:

  1. A prescribed curriculum requires the student to carry more than 18 credit hours in a semester;
  2. A cumulative average for four years of work in high school is of 3.00 quality or higher if the student is beginning college-level work;
  3. A cumulative average for course work taken at EGCC or at another recognized college or university is of 3.00 quality or higher.

Marking and Credit System

The quality of course work at Eastern Gateway Community College is indicated by means of letter grades. Each letter grade, in turn, carries “quality points” which are used in computing the student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA). Academic achievement which reflects competency will be recorded in letter grades at the end of each semester or summer term for all course work for which credit is granted. The credit hours attempted and quality points attained will enter into the computation of the student’s cumulative point average.

The marking system is as follows:

A - Superior Quality 4.0
B - High Quality 3.0
C - Average 2.0
D - Below Average 1.0
F - Failing 0.0

W - The grade of “Withdrawal” (W) is given after the second week of each regular semester or first week of summer mini sessions. A student submits a withdrawal request form to the Registrar’s Office on or before the published withdrawal date. A “W” is recorded for the grade on the student’s permanent record and is not computed in the cumulative GPA.

P - The grade of “Pass” (P) is given for a passing grade in a credit, non-degree course or a credit lab. Credit hours are recorded, but this grade is not included in cumulative point average computation. Credits are added to cumulative credits achieved. In addition, the grade of “P” is used to designate all “C” credit accepted as transfer from another institution.

V - The grade of “V” has been used to designate the transfer of a “D” credit course.

N - The grade of “Non-Pass” (N) is given for a non-passing grade in credit, non-degree courses or a credit lab and is not computed in cumulative point averages.

U - The grade of “Audit” (U) is given for credit courses in which the student elects to be an auditor. This grade is not computed in the cumulative point average.

X - COVID19 grade. This grade is not computed in the cumulative GPA

Grade Scale

EGCC has adopted an institutionally approved and recognized grading scale. For Non-health related programs that grading scale is defined as:

100-90 A
89-80 B
79-70 C
69-60 D
59-50 F

For Health programs (Theory and Lab courses) the grading scales has been designated as:

100-93 A
92-86 B
85-80 C
79-70 D
69-0 F

The Radiologic Technology program grading scale has been designated as

100 - 93% = A

92 - 85% = B

84 - 77% = C

76 - 70% = D

69 - 0% = F


  1. Requirements to earn a degree or certificate are based on the Catalog-In-Force at the time of the student’s first term of study in his/her major.
  2. First term of study is defined as that semester in which a student:
    1. has satisfied all prerequisite course work and other preconditions;
    2. has been fully accepted into a degree or certification; and
    3. has officially declared a major and registered for courses in the prescribed curriculum or major.
  3. Credits for technical courses that have been earned more than five years prior to graduation will be subject to individual evaluation by the department dean and may, in some cases, need to be repeated.
  4. Students who have been absent from the College for more than one year or who have been suspended and readmitted must follow the Catalog-in-Force requirements at the time of their return. Additional requirements in specific programs may be applicable.
  5. Exception to the above may be necessary when changes in certification or licensure standards mandate changes in academic requirements or in College programs. Additionally, courses in some disciplines occasionally may be deleted, changed or developed; therefore, the College may require substitutions to reflect these changes.
  6. Final decision regarding the Catalog-in-Force will be the responsibility of the specific department dean.

Independent Study Policy

Independent studies are an exception to curricular schedule and delivery of coursework. If a conflict jeopardizes the graduation of a student, however, the faculty may consider a proposal for an independent study model. Independent study is rarely used and then, only with the direct approval of the department dean and the Senior VPAA.

The student must initiate the process by contacting the department dean for approval and the completion of the “Contract for Independent Study”. The department dean must approve this request, as well as the Senior VPAA, prior to the beginning of the semester of study.

Guidelines for approval of requests for independent study include:

  1. One independent study may be taken per academic career when it has been determined that lack of this study approval will negatively impact the student’s ability to graduate.
  2. The course must be listed in the current catalog, unavailable in the current session, and required for graduation; a previous good faith effort by the student for compliance is required.
  3. An instructor must supervise the independent study and all content, learning activities, and evaluation of learning included in the syllabus for the course must be completed.
  4. Normal registration is required, with the cost per credit hour consistent with the published fee scale of the current semester.
  5. The Senior VPAA must approve any exceptions to this policy.

Attendance Policy

Eastern Gateway Community College encourages regular and punctual class attendance because research shows a compelling connection between good class attendance and earning passing grades. The College is committed to student success and employs a professional academic advising team to assist students in addressing the many underlying issues that can result in poor class attendance. Attendance reporting is also required by all colleges participating in federal financial aid programs. Students who do not regularly attend classes may place their financial aid award in jeopardy. (paragraph on HB353)

Absences prevent students from receiving full course benefits, disrupt orderly course progress, and diminish the quality of course room interaction. The College considers both tardiness and early departure from class as forms of absenteeism. Students absent from class for any reason are still responsible for all work missed. Students who stop attending class, but do not formally drop or withdraw, may receive grades of “F” and face financial aid consequences in future semesters.

Should a student officially withdraw from the class, the instructor will work collaboratively with the Registrar and Financial Aid Office to determine that student’s last date of attendance to ensure that College records are accurate and the Financial Aid Office may accurately address the student’s financial aid refunds as needed. Should a student stop attending the class for more than two weeks, it is the responsibility of the instructor to immediately notify the Registrar’s office so that appropriate steps may be taken to officially drop or withdraw that student from their class(es).

Students who are absent as a result of jury duty, subpoena, a generally recognized religious observance, required military duty, or activities where they are required to represent the College must give advance written notice of the upcoming absence to the faculty member whenever possible. Students shall be accorded the opportunity to independently complete course work or work of equal value for the authorized day(s) of absence, and/or to take a scheduled exam at an alternate time determined by the faculty member. Failure to provide the advance written notice of the authorized absence may result in loss of the opportunity.

Students who are absent as a result of serious illness or injury should provide the instructor with documentation as soon as possible so they can work with the instructor to determine if it is possible for the student to ‘catch up’ in the class. If it is determined that this is not possible, the student will need to contact Dean to determine the next course of action related to repeating the course.

Faculty are responsible for determining whether work missed may be made up; any makeup work allowed is scheduled at the discretion of faculty. Policies and procedures for make-up work must detailed in the syllabus and provided to the students on the first day of the class.

In-seat Attendance Procedure

The College believes the first fourteen (14) days of a course are the most critical for the success of any student. Faculty are required to record daily attendance for the first fourteen (14) days of any course. Should a student miss more than three (3) days during the first fourteen (14) days of a course, All attendance for in-seat classes should be recorded in Canvas.  In addition, courses within HSPS have very strict attendance policies for the clinical component.  Missing a clinical event could result in a no call, no show and potentially could result in dismissal from the program.   For these programs, please check the program handbook. 

Online/Hybrid Attendance Procedure

Students in online courses are required to ‘attend’ class and participate just as if they were in a traditional face-to-face course. This means that instructors are required to set up activities in the syllabus sop that students have a reading assignment, discussion or project qualifies as an ‘academically engaging activity’ or meeting required during the course of a week. It is important that online and hybrid instructors clearly state in their syllabus about what constitutes participation and late work. It is the responsibility of each online and/or hybrid student to know the attendance and absence policies and/or procedures of each class in which he or she is enrolled. It is required of each online/hybrid faculty to inform his or her online/hybrid class of the attendance and absence policies and/or procedures the course syllabus at the start (first week of online/hybrid course) of each semester.

Weekly attendance is mandatory in all online/hybrid courses. Students are expected to log into their online course(s) weekly. However, simply logging into an online course does not constitute attendance. Attendance is marked as progress towards satisfactory completion of weekly assignments and is expected on a weekly basis. No attendee could jeopardize good standing and financial aid. A gradable assignment must be completed within the first 14 days of the term in order for a student to be considered “attending”. It is critical that faculty develop their online and hybrid courses in such a way that there is a gradable, academically engaging activity due weekly in these classes.

Students who do not participate in class, that is, who consistently do not complete assignments, quizzes, respond to forums or turn in other work, should be notified that they will be dropped or withdrawn from the class for non-participation.

Attendance Reporting Procedure

Faculty are required to report overall student attendance for all of their courses in the LMS. Faculty are required to report overall attendance during the following intervals: The first week of the semester and update that information during the second and last week of the semester by 11:59 pm EST of the Sunday preceding the specific week. Also during the last week of the semester, any student who earned and was documented a letter grade of “F” or “W” the last date of their attendance must be reported in overall attendance in the LMS. Last day of attendance may also be determined by the last assignment submitted within the LMS.

Faculty is required to report attendance by the end of each week of the semester using the 11:59 pm EST Sunday cutoff period.

Students in traditional face-to-face courses and online/hybrid courses will be academically dropped from a course for never attending the first two weeks of a regular 16-week semester course, first two weeks of an 8-week session, if they have not made prior arrangements with faculty.

There will be no letter grade on the student’s transcript and the student’s class load will be reduced by the course credits, and this may affect his/her full-time or part-time student status. If a student has been dropped due to this attendance policy, the faculty may reinstate the student only if the faculty made a mistake or the student verifies extenuating circumstances beyond his/her control.

Students also may be academically withdrawn during the third through the tenth week of the semester for excessive, continuous or cumulative absences (one consecutive week of a course meeting time or five or more absences in a 10 week or less period of time).

A faculty member may choose to initiate the academic withdrawal for excessive, continuous, or cumulative absences if, as specified in the course syllabus, the minimum course objectives cannot be met due to the student’s excessive absences or lack of assignment completion in online/hybrid courses. Such action may be taken after the faculty member has attempted to notify the student on three different occasions by Early Alert, phone, email, mail, or in other courses that excessive absence has potentially placed the student in academic jeopardy. There is no forgiveness of tuition and fees for an academic withdrawal and the withdrawal will be recorded on the student’s transcript with a “W.” If the student has been withdrawn due to this attendance policy, the faculty may reinstate the student only if the faculty made a mistake or the student verifies extenuating circumstances beyond his/her control.

Early Alert Procedure

The Early Alert, a student retention tool, is intended to serve as advance notice to a student that they have poor attendance and/or performance in a specific course. The Early Alert shall consist of the faculty sending an electronic alert through the employee portal stating the reason for the alert. The Early Alert is sent to the Director of Tutoring who will review and develop a plan of action to resolve the early alert.

In an effort to improve student retention and success, faculty will be required to monitor their attendance and report students who are not attending class during designated interval reporting periods that are given. Faculty members are required to publish, distribute, and review the course syllabus with students no later than the end of the second week of class in a given academic term. Faculty is required to assess and return to students a graded assignment by the start of the third week of the semester so students are aware of grade performance in course.

Course Late Assignment Procedure

Written assignments should be submitted no later than the due date unless prior arrangements are made with the faculty and a new due date is established*. If a student submits an assignment after the due date without having made arrangements with the faculty, a minimum of 10 points, (based on an assignment grading scale of 100 points), or 10% of the total points, will be deducted for each week, or part thereof, that the assignment is late.

Instructors will accept late work without prior arrangement in the case of extenuating circumstances (such as hospitalization, childbirth, major accident, injury or bereavement). Students who suffer such a circumstance must notify the instructor as soon as possible of the extenuating circumstance that prevented them from submitting work on time and determine a deadline with the instructor for submitting the work. In these instances, the instructor has the option to waive the late penalty, if the student provides sufficient documentation of the extenuating circumstances. Students who do not meet the deadline arranged with the instructor for the extenuating circumstance will adhere to the minimum of 10 points, (based on an assignment grading scale of 100 points), or 10% of the total points, deduction for each week, or part thereof, that the assignment is late.

This policy applies to students regardless of how they participate in class (online, face-to-face, hybrid, etc.).

In order to receive credit for a discussion forum assignment, the online student must actively participate during the assigned discussion period. These assignments may not be made up at a later time.

*Active duty military students in receipt of Temporary Additional Duty orders (TDY) may be exempted from point deductions if their orders prescribe a return-to-class date that allows for sufficient time to complete the remaining course requirements, which is generally defined as allowing the student to miss no more than 1/3 of the total semester. Military students with TDY orders shall follow the procedures, with the faculty to establish new due dates without penalty for written assignments and discussion boards.

Students must submit the final assignment no later than the last day of the term. No assignments are accepted after the last day of the term.

If assignments cannot be completed by the last day of the term, an Incomplete (I) may be awarded.

Incomplete Grade Policy

The grade of Incomplete (I) may be given if a student, for reasons beyond his/her control, is unable to complete the work of a course by the end of the enrollment period. Incomplete grades are granted at the sole discretion of the instructor.

In the extraordinary circumstances that an incomplete is considered, a student must demonstrate:

  • At least a “C average” in all completed coursework.
  • Completion of 80 percent of all assigned coursework.

To be considered for a grade of “Incomplete” (I), the student and instructor of the course in question must complete the Incomplete Status Agreement form. The form specifies the requirements for the completion of the course.

All required course work must be completed within the six weeks of the official grade reporting date for the class. After the six-week periods, incomplete grades will be assigned a letter grade (A through F) for the completed course work.

Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy


Federal regulations (CFR 668.32(f) and 668.34) require a student to move toward the completion of a degree or certificate within an eligible program when receiving financial aid. Eastern Gateway Community College has established standards for measuring satisfactory academic progress (SAP) that are used for establishing eligibility for federal financial aid. Because these standards are a valid indicator of successful progress towards graduation, they apply to all students at Eastern Gateway Community College (part-time and full-time students), not just to those receiving Title IV funds.  
SAP is a cumulative measurement of Satisfactory Academic Progress which includes a qualitative and quantitative component. The qualitative component is determined by calculating the student’s cumulative grade point average and the quantitative component is determined by calculating the student’s rate of progression toward completion of the academic program (pace) or time and a half.  
All periods of a student’s enrollment at Eastern Gateway Community College are used in determining SAP where an enrollment is defined as the current program of study. A student must meet both the qualitative and quantitative SAP standard to be considered in good standing. SAP is evaluated at the end of Fall, Spring and Summer terms. Students not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards will receive communication via email to the EGCC email address and, in some situations, letters sent to the address listed in the student’s record. Grades A, B, C, D and F are all considered in the calculation of the cumulative GPA.  
In clinical-based healthcare programs where the minimum passing grade for core courses is a C+ (76%), a student will be dismissed after two failures in the core courses of the program, irrespective of program grade point average (cumulative GPA) and without previously being placed on Academic Warning.  All other SAP standards also apply to students enrolled in clinical based healthcare programs. The student may appeal the dismissal (see Academic Appeal).  
The standard for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) measures three (3) components:  

1. Qualitative Satisfactory Academic Progress Standard: A student who has achieved a 2.0 cumulative grade point average is considered to be meeting the qualitative component of SAP, which is a “C” average and is the equivalent academic standing consistent with Eastern Gateway Community College’s graduation requirements. The cumulative GPA is calculated by dividing the total quality points by the credit hours attempted. Prior learning credit such as transfer credit and exemption credit, withdrawals, and audits are excluded from the cumulative GPA calculation. Incomplete grades are weighted the same as an “F” grade and considered a failed grade in the cumulative GPA calculation. Once a grade change is implemented, cumulative GPA will be recalculated, and SAP will be reevaluated. For courses that are repeated, the most recent grade will be calculated within the cumulative GPA, while the previous grade will be removed from the calculation.  
2. Quantitative Satisfactory Academic Progress Standard: Students must have completed at least 67% of all credit attempted in the program enrolled. The pace percentage is calculated by dividing the total credit earned by the total credit hours attempted in the program enrolled.  All hours attempted, including repeats, withdrawals and incompletes are included in hours attempted for the pace calculation.  
Transfer credits from other institutions and exemption credits earned by the student for successfully completing a course test out that are applied to a student’s program at Eastern Gateway Community College will display on a student’s transcript and will be counted as both credit hours attempted and credit hours completed in the pace calculation.  
3. Maximum Timeframe: A student must be able to complete the current program without attempting more than 150% of the required credits for the program. Only program requirements count in the 150% timeframe calculation, therefore, developmental courses are excluded. Once it has been deemed impossible to complete the program of study within 150% of the published length in the educational program, as measured in credit hours, the student will be dismissed from the College and lose federal financial aid eligibility.  


Program Change

Any courses taken by the student applied from one program to another (whether or not the courses were successfully completed) will be counted toward program completion and the cumulative GPA calculations. If a student chooses to change programs, Eastern Gateway Community College will apply all applicable courses to the new program. If a student graduates from one program and chooses to earn another degree, Eastern Gateway Community College will apply all applicable credits from the program in which the student graduated into the new program. Any credits applied from one program to another will be counted toward pace for program completion and in cumulative GPA calculations. One program change may be considered while the student is on warning, however program changes while on probation are not permitted.  

Developmental Courses

A student may be required to take one or more developmental courses to establish a foundation for academic success. A student may receive financial aid for development coursework up to 30 hours. Developmental courses at EGCC are noted to start with a zero, such as MTH095.

Repeat Courses

Students who fail a course may repeat the course and receive financial aid for the course (as long as they are meeting SAP). Students who successfully pass a course and wish to repeat the course may do so only once receive financial aid.

Academic Forgiveness Policy 

The Academic Forgiveness policy exists to help former Eastern Gateway Community College students return to their studies after a significant absence and prior to earning a degree. Eligible students may have left the college after unsatisfactory academic performance and now wish to return and renew their commitment to learning. Forgiveness can also be available to students that have left the college and upon return are changing their course of study. As a result, these students choosing to go in a different direction will not have the burden of carrying unsuccessful grades from prior courses that do not apply into their new major.

Forgiveness is available to any Eastern Gateway Community College student who:

- Has not been enrolled for a period of one calendar year (12 months).

- Is enrolled as a current student in the term the Academic Forgiveness form is filed.

- Upon return, the student must complete 12 credit hours showing the ability to sustain good academic standing (GPA 2.0 or better) before Academic Forgiveness can be applied.

- Has not earned a degree from the institution.

Policy General Information

- Academic Forgiveness can only be used one time during the student’s time at EGCC; it is not reversible.

- Forgiveness is limited to 12 credit hours.

- Only grades earned at EGCC are eligible.

- It cannot be applied to developmental courses.

- Forgiveness may not be applied to F grades that result from academic dishonesty.

- Forgiveness is limited to grades of D or F.

- Grades that are forgiven will be noted on the transcript with the letter Z. They also will not be calculated in the cumulative GPA.

- The original GPA prior to Academic Forgiveness will be used when calculating or applying for honors or other recognition upon graduation.

- Students transferring to another college or university will fall under their policies for accepting grades. Another institution may not accept EGCC’s Academic Forgiveness policy and may count all grades received in their application process.

- Federal financial aid regulations do not recognize Academic Forgiveness. Forgiven courses can still be considered when applying for financial aid.


Upon return to the college, students must follow the following procedure for applying for Academic Forgiveness.

- Students must contact their Enrollment Specialist/Academic Advisor and will work on an academic plan for success. This may include tutoring or adjusted scheduling.

- Students will work with their Enrollment Specialist/Academic Advisor to fill out the Academic Forgiveness paperwork upon their return to EGCC.

- If changing a major, a Change of Major form must be filed prior to or at the same time the Forgiveness form is filed.

- The Academic Forgiveness form will be submitted to the Office of Dean where their program resides.

- The Dean’s Office will acknowledge the receipt of the paperwork.

- Once the student has completed the required 12 credits in good standing, the Dean will review the request for Academic Forgiveness and will approve or deny the request.

- The Dean’s Office will notify the Registrar’s Office of the determination. If approved, the Registrar’s Office will process all paperwork and update transcripts accordingly.


If a student fails to maintain the minimum 2.0 GPA or withdraws from courses, the eligibility period for Academic Forgiveness will be forfeited. Students will not be able to reapply for Academic Forgiveness during the remainder of their studies at EGCC. Students that are denied Academic Forgiveness may appeal the decision to the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs through the appeal system.


Academic Warning

When SAP is evaluated at the end of a semester, any student who fails to meet the minimum cumulative GPA and the Pace standards will be placed on Academic Warning.  
A student placed on Academic Warning will be notified of the warning status and is required to seek academic advisement. The registration hold will be placed on the student’s account to ensure they are working with an academic advisor for course registration until good standing status is achieved. 
While on warning status, a student is eligible to remain in school and receive federal financial aid without an appeal.  
A student who meets the minimum cumulative GPA and Pace standard at the end of the subsequent semester after being placed on warning will return to good academic standing. An official notification will be sent to the student’s EGCC email address.  


Academic Termination 

(Dismissal from the College for Lack of Satisfactory Academic Progress)

A student who fails to meet the minimum cumulative GPA and Pace standard at the end of the subsequent semester after being placed on warning will be dismissed from the College, dropped from future enrolled courses and is ineligible to receive federal financial aid unless he or she successfully appeals that determination (see Academic Appeal.). A student will be dismissed from the College for lack of satisfactory academic progress in the following circumstances:  
• The student did not increase his or her cumulative GPA to at least 2.00 by the end of one semester on Academic Warning.  
• The student did not meet the pace requirement outlined by the end of one semester on Academic Warning.  
• The student received two failures in the core courses of a clinical-based healthcare program, irrespective of cumulative GPA. A student will be dismissed without first being placed on Academic Warning in this instance.  
•The student failed to meet the end of semester evaluation requirements defined by the academic plan. 


Academic Appeal

If mitigating or extenuating circumstances exist, a student may appeal a dismissal from the College and termination of financial aid by submitting an Academic Appeal Form to the appropriate academic Dean. Valid circumstances include a serious injury or illness, death of a relative or other special circumstances. The appeal must be submitted via the Student Portal under Student Appeals and provide an explanation of the circumstance that caused the unsatisfactory academic performance and how the student has overcome the circumstance. Supporting documentation is highly recommended, but not, required. All decisions on academic appeals are final unless re-review and escalation is requested by the student.  

Academic Probation

If a student who has appealed a dismissal from the College and loss of financial aid has the appeal granted, the student will be reinstated to the College and will be placed on Academic Probation. If it is determined a student can obtain good standing by the end of the next semester, they will be placed on Six (6) Hour Limit Probation. If this is not conducive to rehabilitation of SAP, the Dean will develop an academic plan which the student must adhere to and must meet SAP within the established timeframe that is denoted in the academic plan.  
• While on Six (6) Hour Limit Academic Probation, students are limited to only six (6) credit hours of coursework, unless on a Dean approved academic plan.  
• Upon completion of the probation period, the student must return to good standing. Failure to meet conditions of the probationary period will result in dismissal from the college. 

READMISSIONS TO THE COLLEGE (Re-Admission after Satisfactory Academic Progress Dismissal) 


Students who have been dismissed for failure to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards may be allowed to be re-admitted to a different program. Any student who has been dismissed must wait at least one (1) year before they can re-apply to another program.  

Students are required to submit a Request for Readmissions Consideration Request Form, and the form must include:  

1. Reasonable explanation for the student’s academic performance to date, which includes mitigating circumstances such as student injury/illness, death of a student’s family member, or other reasons resulting in undue hardship to the student.  

2. Compelling evidence that they can demonstrate satisfactory academic progress and succeed in an academic program due to changed circumstances, experience, and/or successful completion of credits during the period of absence from another college; and  

3. Student must sign off on Dean approved plan for completion of the coursework required to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress during the following semester of being readmitted. Student will be readmitted under a good academic standing status and must meet SAP during their time or will be dismissed. 

Grade Reports

Students are required to obtain their grades from The Student Portal. Any student with overdue books or unpaid fees will be blocked from The Student Portal.

Any student enrolled in a regularly scheduled course whose performance is unsatisfactory will be sent, via e-mail, a deficiency notice near mid-semester. It is required that students receiving deficiency notices make an immediate appointment with their advisor and/or the instructor of th

Academic Honors

An academic honors list will be prepared and published for graduation. Determination will be based on the cumulative GPA of the semester prior to graduation. The transcript and designation of academic honors will reflect all work completed at the institution. Students shall be named for such recognition according to the following criteria:

  • Summa Cum Laude - 3.9 - 4.0
  • Magna Cum Laude - 3.75 - 3.89
  • Cum Laude - 3.5 - 3.749

Academic Recognition - President List and Dean’s List

Any student, who attempts six or more semester credit hours in any single academic semester, is eligible to receive a letter of academic recognition. If the student achieves a grade point average of 3.5 to 3.99 during that academic semester, that student will be awarded recognition of the EGCC Dean’s List.

Any student who attempts six or more semester credit hours in any single academic semester and earns a grade point average of 4.0 will be awarded a letter of academic recognition of the EGCC President’s List.

Any student request for correction and/or appeal concerning the academic recognition program will be processed through the normal College Complaints/Appeals Process.