The federal government, through public law 102-26, and amendments thereto, requires all recipients of federal Title III aid to formulate and publish policies and statistics regarding campus security. The following is in compliance with the regulations of the act effective July 1, 1997, amended in 1998, and any amendments thereafter, including the addition of the Clery Act. The College’s annual security report is published on the College’s website at
- All incidents of theft, vandalism, sexual harassment or assault, domestic or dating violence, stalking, or other criminal activity or accidents shall be reported immediately by the victim or anyone witnessing the acts or the aftermath to College security at: 740-264-5596 for Steubenville and 330-506-9189 for Youngstown. Provide complete details of the incident. As appropriate, the College will summon police, emergency personnel, or victim advocates to campus to assist in responding to incidents reported. In cases of criminal activity, the victim will be encouraged to file a report/charges with local law enforcement. The College may elect to file a report/charges regarding any infraction of the law on property owned, operated, or contiguous with the College.
- The college has declared no part of its campus or grounds a public place. The only persons permitted on college property are those with legitimate need to be on campus related to the mission and goals of the college such as taking part in classes or activities sponsored by the college, attending activities sponsored by outside organizations approved through the college’s outside building use policy, visitors touring the college as part of the admissions process, vendors doing business with the college and similar are generally permitted on campus after 10 p.m. The college reserves the right to question individuals on college property regarding their identity and reason for being at the college and request or order the individual(s) to leave college property if the reason for being on campus is not directly or indirectly related to the college’s mission and goals and as defined in this catalog as interpreted by the college administration. As appropriate, the college will utilize the resources of local law enforcement agencies in maintaining a safe and secure campus environment.
- The college employs a security staff to enforce college policies dealing with safety and security issues. These employees do not have police powers and, as appropriate, summon the local police. The college encourages the reporting of all the security staff and/or local police. The investigations and will bring charges against perpetrators as appropriate. In addition to or separate from any legal penalties which criminal activity may engender, the college can impose campus-based penalties including but not limited to fines, probation, suspension, or expulsion from the college.
- All Eastern Gateway Community College students are expected to abide by local, state and federal laws whether on campus or at an off-campus activity, clinical, etc. conducted by the college or in association.
- The College will not tolerate the abuse of prescription drugs, use of illicit drugs or alcohol on property owned or operated by the College or during College sponsored off campus activities. Please refer to the Drug and Alcohol Use Program contained in this Catalog.
- All institutions which receive federal aid, including those which distribute federal aid to students, i.e. Pell Grants, Guaranteed Student Loans, Work-Study, etc. are required, effective 9/1/92, to inform students regarding the occurrence of certain crimes on campus. The following information totals for 2016-2019 calendar years is provided to meet this federal requirement.